we.build { what.people :need }


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What we do

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    Web Development

    Based in Hong Kong and UAE, we are the specialist in what we do. Coupled with the latest technologies and the best processes, our team of engineers will deliver your project with the highest quality.

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    Mobile App

    The market for mobile, especially IOS and Android devices, is soaring every single day. Today, it’s not about keeping up and instead you should lead while the mobile market is still relatively young.

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    UX/UI Design

    We understand user experience plays a big part of the success of your project. Our designers are passionate about creating the best User Interface that fulfils both the functional and aesthetic part of your project.

How We Can Help You?

We are experts at Web and Mobile development with stunning UI & UX. You will find endless possibilities for your Websites, Web Applications and Mobile Apps. Coupled with Test driven development(TDD) we give you the best results.

ruby on railshtml5mysqlapacheherokujoomlaiosandroid

The HJXI Trade Limited Approach

A software project should not be a rigid one. As we develop, you will began to realise there are blind-spots you had missed or maybe the feedbacks received made you think of changing how your system works.

By developing in iterations, we will be able to allow early feedbacks and changes during the project, mitigate the risk of failing at the end.

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The HJXI Trade Limited Approach

HJXI Trade Limited approachHJXI Trade Limited approachHJXI Trade Limited approach

A software project should not be a rigid one. As we develop, you will began to realise there are blind-spots you had missed or maybe the feedbacks received made you think of changing how your system works.

By developing in iterations, we will be able to allow early feedbacks and changes during the project, mitigate the risk of failing at the end.

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Our Portfolio

Learning Pulse
Engage Rocket
POPULAR Bookstore
Lunch Kaki
Our Portfolio

HJXI Trade Limited Lab is today a leading Hong Kong web development company. We are a team of highly motivated, dynamic young programmers and designers. We have our specialty on the Ruby on Rails framework. We believe in testing our software severally in quick succession during the development stage so as to get feedback as fast as possible. This method enables us produce error free software that can be used by our clients and give us a very quick turnaround. We also believe in the use of Lean Product Development process with a primary focus on constant idea validation, evaluation of the features of our product, continuous improvement of the features and quick, seamless iteration

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